As fate would have it there was no lengua to be found, so we shifted to a meatless taco Tuesday. Sadly we all forgot to take any photos.
Italian Monday Dinner
While we wait on the rest of the family to arrive. Sandy made her vongole and I made a cheesy foccacia. Of course I forgot to take photos.

2024 Pilipino Invasion
Since Mommi is visiting we have a influx of family coming from the north, south, east & west. Our small little house will be overstuffed. I’ve been slowly preparing for this event and I was excited to cook and introduce some local beers in the process. What I didn’t prepare for was my recent illness.
Sunday: Most are coming in this evening. So for dinner I prepared an Ultimate Pork Chop with baked apples, puree of celery root & green beans, but sadly that had to be delivered to their rental house rather than served here.

Alex got to meet is 3 month old Grandson Leo for the first time.

Ultimate Pork Chop
As it usually happens I find a recipe/technique on youtube and experiment on friends & family, after they sign the diarrhea disclaimer of course. For the UPC, the secret is not to buy a pork chop as they are too lean. I add salt at 1% of its weight, thyme & rosemary, then Sous Vide for 48 hrs. Next throw it in the frig overnight.

I then portion out into thick pieces and sear in a carbon steel pan, basting with butter (this isn’t a diet dish). I like a puree of celery root with my UPC.
Unusual Christmas Gift
This year I received an unusual gift from BIL Bengie. I don’t know that I’ll keep this puppy as he’s kinda messy. Every time I use him I have to wipe his butt then reinsert his buttplug. It just seems… you know.

Christmas 2023
Our Christmas gatherings are getting quite large. It was so nice to see everyone laugh and over eat.

Thanks to Sandy for the additional photos.
Neighbors Holiday Happy Hour but more like Dinner
Hopefully a new tradition is born. Unfortunately our small dining room limited the guest list.

Thanks to Sandy, Alan & Tom for the additional photos.
AlaMo Dinner
We started a tradition of having dinner with Alan & Mona about this time last year. So this year we hosted with a steak meal.

Thanks to Sandy for the photos.
Thanksgiving 2023
This year we invaded the Yuen house. Sandy made a burrata appetizer and lumpia. I made baguettes and a butternut squash cheesecake. As usual I didn’t take enough photos.

Thanks to Sandy for the additional photos.
Sun/Moon set
Shot a sunset and a moonset a couple of days apart.