Honolulu March 2011

Work calls again in Honolulu. I usually don’t make the effort to eat well as I hate eating alone and am usually too tired to call anyone.  This time I made an effort to break some of my habits and made dinner commitments.

I flew in Tuesday about noon and worked until 5:30 (13 hr day). I then rush back to check into the hotel. The Asato’s picked me up and took me to a fabulous restaurant, 3660 on the rise in Kaimuki.

Wednesday was another long day but I managed to meet up with Auntie Amy & Cait as our paths crossed in HI. Cait bought me a belated Birthday dinner at Alan Wong’s Pineapple Room which was very impressive. Mahalo Cait!

Thursday nights dinner with Christy & Dan got canceled, so I ended up walking to Tenkaippin for some ramen.

I flew back home Friday. I was there a total of 72 hrs and 44 of them was work!