Honolulu March 2011

Work calls again in Honolulu. I usually don’t make the effort to eat well as I hate eating alone and am usually too tired to call anyone.  This time I made an effort to break some of my habits and made dinner commitments.

I flew in Tuesday about noon and worked until 5:30 (13 hr day). I then rush back to check into the hotel. The Asato’s picked me up and took me to a fabulous restaurant, 3660 on the rise in Kaimuki.

Wednesday was another long day but I managed to meet up with Auntie Amy & Cait as our paths crossed in HI. Cait bought me a belated Birthday dinner at Alan Wong’s Pineapple Room which was very impressive. Mahalo Cait!

Thursday nights dinner with Christy & Dan got canceled, so I ended up walking to Tenkaippin for some ramen.

I flew back home Friday. I was there a total of 72 hrs and 44 of them was work!

New neighbors

Tami & Chris are moving to Alameda. Since today is moving day we got to dogsit with Koa.

I’ve learned a few thing about Koa:

The first thing we did was to let her outside in the backyard. That was a mistake. She immediately pursued the ducks right into the lagoon and refused to come out. I don’t think she liked the feel of the mud on her paws as she was trying to walk backwards.

Being thoroughly soaked with lagoon water we had to hose her off. After drying her off I had to vacuum the volumes of dog fur off of my pants. I then found out that Koa doesn’t like the vacuum. She attacked the Dyson.

With her being so hyper, we decided the goal was to wear her out. So we took her for a walk where she found a new hobby… chasing ground squirrels. She was worn out by the time we got home.